UNDERSTANDING EACH OTHER: WHY UNITED METHODISTS DIFFER ON HUMAN SEXUALITY To move forward into God’s hope-filled future for our church, the Administrative Council has decided to have two gatherings to help us understand each other and express our thoughts and concerns. The first will be an educational session titled: "Understanding Each Other: Why United Methodists Differ on Human Sexuality,” which will take place on Sunday, November 10th following worship and a light meal and will be led by Rev. Beth Jones. Beth is currently serving as one of the pastors at Faith UMC in Montoursville and is also the director of “Deep Green Journey,” in which she takes participants on guided hikes and connects creation and spirituality. She has served in the church as pastor and as District Superintendent. The second gathering will be a “Congregational Town Hall” where individuals will have the opportunity to speak about this and other issues and church concerns in a grace-filled, non-judgmental, and peaceable manner. This gathering will take place after worship on Sunday, November 17th. It is hoped that everyone will take the time between gatherings to reflect on what is learned at the first one.