St. Andrews family,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the SPPR Team for the time they willingly give, in making prayerful, informed and appropriate decisions, on behalf of the church and congregation.  I would also like to give a special thank you to Mrs. Edie Noaker, for her continued service to St. Andrews, having graciously provided another very appropriate and thought provoking message. Additionally, thank you to Dave Miller and Dave Stahl for their continued assistance with our worship services.

As we all know, Pastor Michael will deservingly be transitioning to the ranks of the retired after a lifetime of dedicated service to the Lord and his  parishioners. We wish him success in his future endeavors, as we will certainly miss his sincere heartfelt messages and sense of humor. If your schedule permits, please make every effort to attend Pastor Michael’s retirement gathering on June 2, 2024, immediately after worship service, in the social hall. Please feel welcome to send cards, notes or emails of gratitude to Pastor Michael prior to his departure. Pastor Michael’s final sermon at St. Andrews will be June 16, 2024, and he will be on vacation for the remainder of June.

That being said, I have contacted two very experienced Pastors whose names you may recognize to assist in the final two weeks of June. It is my privilege to inform everyone that on June 23rd, our very own former Pastor Dale Hippensteel, has accepted an invitation to return to the St. Andrews pulpit and deliver a message. He jokingly assured me it would be “new material”. Let’s spread the word and give Pastor Dale and Janet a warm welcome home on this date. Additionally, on June 30th, Pastor Bill Gibson will be providing our sermon showcasing his biblical expertise and wit. Pastor Bill did have one very important condition that had to be met, prior to accepting our invitation to speak. His request was to remove all rotten tomatoes and watermelons prior to his ascension to the pulpit. I told him I would do my best, so please work with me.

As we bid Pastor Michael farewell, we will also be welcoming Pastor Brian Lucas and his wife Susan, beginning July 1, 2024. As with Pastor Michael’s sendoff, we will have a welcome to the St. Andrews family gathering / meet and greet for Pastor Brian and his wife Susan. Additional information will be forthcoming.

After speaking with Pastor Brian on several occasions, he is excited and looking forward to bringing his energy and ministry skillset to St. Andrews.  Additionally, he is looking forward to meeting each and every member of the congregation and looks forward to developing new and lasting relationships.


Mike Dunkle, SPPR Chair


Be sure to check out this article in our full newsletter from May 2024 - Click Here!