Dear St. Andrew’s UM Church Family,

As the crisp October air ushers in a palette of golden hues and russet tones, we're reminded of the beauty inherent in change. Just as the trees shed their leaves in preparation for new growth, our church community stands on the cusp of exciting new seasons of ministry.

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19, NRSVUE)

This verse beautifully captures the spirit of renewal and anticipation we're experiencing as a congregation. Let me share with you two significant "new things" springing up in our midst:

  1. Youth Group Relaunch:

I'm thrilled to announce the restart of our youth group ministry! Beginning this month, we'll be meeting on the first and third Sundays, providing a space for our young people to grow in faith, fellowship, and service. As a wise quote often attributed to John Wesley states, "The church changes the world not by making converts but by making disciples." This is our opportunity to invest in the next generation of disciples.

To make this vision a reality, we need adult servants to step up and assist. Your involvement can make an immeasurable impact on young lives. Whether you can offer your time every session, once a month, or once a quarter, your presence matters. Please prayerfully consider how you might contribute to this vital ministry.

  1. Joint Picnic with Bethany UMC:

Mark your calendars for October 20th! We'll be joining hands (and sharing dishes) with our sisters and brothers from Bethany UMC for a picnic. This event is the first of several relationship-building activities we're planning with our neighboring UMC congregation. It's a wonderful opportunity to expand our circle of fellowship and to be reminded that we're part of a larger body of Christ, and our connection through the UMC.

These new initiatives reflect our growth as a church family. They embody what we in the Methodist tradition call sanctifying grace – our continual growth in love for God and neighbor. Just as autumn prepares the way for spring's new life, these endeavors prepare us for new depths of discipleship and community.

So, how can you be part of this exciting season?

  1. Pray: Lift up our youth ministry and our growing relationship with Bethany UMC in your prayers.
  2. Participate: Join us for the picnic on October 20th. Come with an open heart, ready to forge new friendships.
  3. Serve: Consider serving with the youth group. Your presence can make a world of difference.

As we embrace these new opportunities, let's remember that like the trees in autumn, sometimes we need to let go of the old to make room for new growth. Maybe it's letting go of comfort zones to connect with new people, or releasing some time to invest in our youth.

In this season of change, I'm filled with excitement and hope for what God will do through these initiatives. As we step out in faith, may we experience the joy of serving, the warmth of new connections, and the thrill of seeing God at work in our midst.

Let's journey together into this new season, trusting in the One who makes all things new.

In Christ's love,

Pastor Brian

P.S. If you're interested in serving with the youth group or have questions about the picnic, please don't hesitate to reach out to me or the church office. Let's make this autumn a season of vibrant growth and joyful service!

Be sure to check out this article in our full newsletter from October 2024 - Click Here!