August is the official starting month for the Milton School District. Yep, I am sure the kids are thinking, “Didn’t we just get out of school for the summer?”.  That also means that we are getting ready for a new year of ministry for the Panther Pack ministry. 

We are restocking the shelves getting ready for school to start.  September, which is the month we actually start to deliver meals, will be here shortly and we want to be ready for the first packing.  Here are the items we are looking for:

Food Items:

Ramen NoodlesCanned Pasta (Pop Top Lid)Soups, Stew, Chili
(Sm. Container with Pop Top Lid)
Fruit CupsIndividual Sized Boxes of CerealCereal Bars
Applesauce CupsPudding CupsOatmeal Packs
Tuna PacksPop TartsMac and Cheese (Individual Cups)
Granola BarsBreakfast BarsSmall Cans of Chicken

The committee is recommitting to providing nutritious weekend meals to the children of the Milton Elementary schools.  Pray for a great year of ministry and that the kids’ lives are touched by the generosity of the community.
Here is the first half of the year’s packing schedule.
Month# of
Set Up
Pick Ups
September39/5/20239/12/20239/13/202309/14, 20, 27
October49/26/202310/3/202310/4/202310/5, 12, 19, 24
November410/24/202310/31/202311/1/202311/2, 9, 16, 30
December311/28/202312/5/202312/6/202312/7, 14, 20

Panther Packs, showing the love of Christ through one meal at a time.
Panther Packs Committee


Be sure to check out this article in our full newsletter from September 2023 - Click Here!

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