Can you believe that we are just getting into spring but summer is quickly approaching.  How do I know that, because we are packing the last month of meals for the school year. 

Our final packing night is May 3rd.  It’s time to express a special thank you to all of you for your continued support, whether it is with your prayers, gifts, bag folding, packing, or whatever part you have played… Thank you!!  I would like to also express a special thank you to the Panther Packs Team, those who lead the Pantry team, Set Up team, Finance people, Distribution team, Cloth Bag Team and Administration… Thank you!! 

We will be packing for four weeks for May.  Packing starts at 6:00 PM.

Here are the packing details for final month packing:

Month# of Wks.PrepackSet UpPackingSchool Pick Ups
May44/25/20235/2/20235/3/202305/4, 11, 18, 22

Come and join in on the fun.

Do you have some extra time (about one half hour) on Thursday mornings?  We are still looking for individuals, who can be in a monthly rotation, to meet the school representative at the church to load the bins into his van.  This is weekly, usually on Thursday (For example: see “School Pick Up” dates on schedule above).  You must be able to lift approximately 25 pounds.  If you can help with this, please see Dave Miller.  Thank you to those who have rotated into this  process.

Panther Packs, showing the love of Christ through one meal at a time.

~Panther Packs Committee

Be sure to check out this article in our full newsletter from May 2023 - Click Here!

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